Armed home invasion at The Avenue
July 23, 2013
At 10:05 p.m., Georgia Southern University students were informed through a campus alert from the Dean of Students office of an armed home invasion at The Avenue at Southern apartments.
Statesboro Police Department first sent out an alert of the home invasion via text message around 9:30 p.m. The message stated to be on the lookout for two black males wearing all black around the back of The Avenue at Southern.
As of 10:10 p.m., no additional information was available from the Statesboro Police Department regarding the incident.
“We don’t have any information at the moment. We’ve got a situation that happened at The Avenue but I can’t give you any information at the moment,” Loretta Lester, dispatcher for SPD, said.
Georgia Southern University Police also did not have any additional information to share as of 10:30 p.m.
“The Avenue is not in our jurisdiction,” Disha Leonard, communications officer for University Police, said.
Leonard was unable to provide any additional information and directed further questions to the chief of police, who was unavailable at the time.