By Ethan Smith, News Editor
The Dean of Students Office sent out some information about renovations to Eagle Dining in the MCC Food Court, MCC and University Hall.
Eddie Mills, the Associate VP for Auxiliary Services who also oversees Eagle Dining services, gave some information on the renovations.
“We’re working to expedite the renovation process as quickly as possible for all of the projects. They will most likely take the majority of the fall semester to complete. We’re hopeful that the Starbucks and Sushi with Gusto concepts will open ahead of the Chick-fil-a, which is an extensive rebuild.”
The announcement revealed planned renovations and additions to Eagle Dining including Chick-Fil-A, Starbucks, Southern Cafe and Sushi with Gusto. Construction began for Chick-Fil-A on Monday August 13, so it is expected that food services will not be available during the construction in the MCC Food Court.
It was noted that construction dates for the other three establishments have yet to be determined as the school is finalizing design documents. This news is music to the ears of Armstrong students as Eagle Dining services are being upgraded and renovated to provide better food options for students here in Savannah. More updates will follow throughout the semester.