By Ethan Smith, News Editor
For new students and the Armstrong students of old, the consolidation has brought many changes to you here in Savannah. Here are some up-to-date rules and regulations you should know for this semester and those to follow.
Here on campus, some new visitor rules among other things have been adopted from Georgia Southern. First, opposite sex visitors are allowed in all housing buildings. All guests can stay up to three consecutive nights with full roommate approval and said guests can stay up to 15 times a semester.
You can also possess alcohol in your living space now. If the resident has a roommate that is underage, they must mark their alcohol with their name and store it in their living space.
Joint responsibility is also strictly enforced on the Armstrong campus. For example, if your roommates are smoking pot and you aren’t but are still involved in some way, you all take the fall. So be responsible for yourself and the people you associate yourself with.
Parking has also changed as many of you know. You can no longer pull through or back-in to a space anymore due to the new system of scanning tags. To note, parking decals no longer exist. You must register your vehicle online using the license plate on your car. There is no fee as housing has already covered it for you if you live on campus. If you violate these rules for parking, the fee has increased from 25 to 50 dollars.
Arguably the most impactful is the hands-free law that began this year in Georgia. The law states that a driver cannot have their phone in their hands or touching any part of their body while they are at the wheel. So, don’t text and drive everyone.
These rules can all be found through your Blue and White Student Guides as well as Auxiliary Services which can all be accessed through your MyGeorgiaSouthern account.