By: Daylon Bonner, Staff Writer
An over capacity gallery of students attended this week’s SGA meeting. Normally, the gallery consists of Advisor Dies and maybe five to eight students. This meeting probably had fifty with a number of them voicing various concerns to the Senate.
Several students voiced their concerns with eagle dining services, the reduced hours of the Learning Commons, the library and straws.
Most were discontent with Eagle Dining Services. They questioned why the straws in the Galley had been taken away. Michael Morgan, Director of Eagle Dining Services for the campus answered that it is intended to reduce our ecological footprint. Conversely, the Statesboro campus has straws in spite of the demand by some students to get rid of them.
The Statesboro campus also has a library that is open twenty-four hours a day.
Students also voiced concern over the Gus Mart not being available on the weekends, not to mention its shorter hours, compared to the pantry. Alazay Streeter questioned whether the prices in the Gus Mart should be cut given the cut back in hours. Mr. Morgan retorted by saying that concerns are being accounted for as they look into the options available.
After more questions from the gallery, he apologized for the rapidness of the implemented changes and the delays with the changes yet to be implemented.
The SGA has brought up legislation to extend the hours of the Gus Mart in the past. However, it was recommitted to Auxiliary Affairs and has not been brought back before the Senate as of yet.
The Statesboro library stays open 24 hours a day
As of now, the intention, and this was spoken of by Dean Dies, of President Nickel is to foster congruency between the Statesboro and Savannah campuses. The ability to tailor to the needs of each location has been a secondary priority. Furthermore, time is necessary to implement said tailoring.