By: Laura Weyman
Brighter Day Natural Foods, the little health food shop located south of Forsyth Park, arrived long before anyone dared to venture downtown.
Before SCAD established themselves in Savannah, people were not strolling down the town’s streets underneath moth draperies and sunbathing in the park.
Downtown was avoided by many and only explored when absolutely necessary. However, Peter and Janie Brodhead dared to open a business at the corner of Park Avenue and Bull Street in 1978.
They took an even bigger risk by choosing to open a health food store in Georgia when the word “organic” was not a fully formed concept in the public’s mind.
Despite everyone discouraging them to open in this location, they proceeded and succeeded. They grew their inventory slowly, and expanded the space over the years. They were the first to bring quality produce and products to Savannah.
Due to their personal engagement with their customers, they have changed the lives of many.
Peter Brodhead’s passion with health has helped the community in many ways. Since the start they have prioritized their ethics over financial success and because of it, they have acquired a loyal group of customers as well as employees.
Brighter Day Natural foods will be celebrating their 40th anniversary on Thursday, Nov. 8 with an entire day of food, lectures, and activities.
If changing your lifestyle has crossed your mind lately, or if you would like to incorporate more healthy habits in your daily life, attending this party may be a good idea. Lectures on the benefits of CBD and mushrooms will be offered as well as a Qigong class.
From 2:15 to 2:45, Carolyn Guilford, a nutritionist, will be giving a lecture titled: “How to Have the Life YOU Desire”.
Of course, what would be an anniversary without cake? A cake and toast to Janie and Peter’s 40 amazing years in Savannah will close out the night.