2019 New Year Fitness Trends

January 24, 2019
As 2019 swings into full gear, many people are trying to find a way to be healthy and come up with new things to motivate them to keep their goals.
I talked with Gina Hogan, a personal fitness trainer at the RAC, about new year trends.
Group Classes:
Group classes have become increasingly popular because people can help relieve some of the anxiety of working out in a big open gym setting. These class are also a good way to meet new people or friends throughout the week. The Recreation Activity Center (RAC) at Georgia Southern offers many classes that students can take for free.
Hogan said a Step and Sculpt class will soon be offered at the RAC, which will be a mixture of a step class and resistance training.
Video Programs:
Video programs from places like Amazon have increased in popularity throughout the years. Those who have an Amazon Prime account can find many different instructional videos over yoga and many different types of fitness routines. Whatever platform you use to look at workout videos Hogan warns about looking at the trainers certifications.
“What makes a fantastic fitness program is if the workouts are attained to your schedule, your lifestyle, your stage in the fitness,” Hogan said.
There are a variety of different apps you can choose from in the App Store for people to choose from. There are apps, like Today Habit tracker, that can send you alerts to help remind you to keep your workout goals and track your progress. The best thing is to do your research on these apps and find what will work for you.
MyFitnessPal is another app that you can download to your cell phone to try and help reach your fitness goals by helping you track your calories.
“At first, it will be difficult in getting into the habit because it takes some time getting used to it. But, overall, super quick and easy to use,” Hogan said.
The Aaptiv app offers workout videos with motivational instructions to help push you. Hogan said the app offers all sorts of workouts, whether you’re a beginner or advanced.
“The only downside to it is that it isn’t necessarily individualized towards you, but there are plenty of workouts to choose from in the app that can help achieve your goals,” Hogan said.
Smart Watches:
Smart watches have become a big trend and a helpful tool for those who want help with not only fitness but everyday lives as well. Fitbit Blaze Smart Fitness has many different functions as well including GPS to help track routes and graphic instructions on workout moves to insure that they are done correctly.
Frozen Fruits/Veggies:
It can get expensive trying to buy fresh produce every week, but one of the ways you can still buy them is to shop in the frozen food section. Frozen fruits and vegetables are far more cheaper to buy. They hold the same nutritional value, and they hold their freshness longer as well.
Side Note: Fresh fruits and vegetables can be used to make smoothies.
New fitness trends come and go, but they have the same result: they keep us healthy. You should always find what works the best for you as an individual and your lifestyle.