Club Spotlight: Geeks and Gamers
May 5, 2022
Georgia Southern has a few different clubs for gamers on campus. Geeks and Gamers is one option for those that love video games and want to meet new people. The club meets on Wednesdays and Fridays from 8p.m. to 11:30p.m. in the IT Building, room 1024.
Play whatever games you want. As long as you can bring a console to play it on, you can play any games while meeting new people and making new friends. The president of the club, Aaliyah Hinds, is also being more proactive in trying to spice things up for more competitive gamers in the club.
“I plan on establishing a smash tournament sometime next semester,” she said. “Because we do have a lot of good smash players in the gaming club. However, there is a smash club on campus. So I wanted to ask them about that and the Esports League about holding tournaments to see if we can raise funds, but we’ll kind of hit that when we get there.”
Geeks and Gamers is open to everyone. This is a message that Hinds wished to get across in the interview. For anyone interested in playing games and making friends, this club may be the one for you.
“Don’t hesitate to come around,” Hinds said. “It might be awkward the first time around, but we’re always having games, always trying to include different groups of people over… We might seem scary, but a lot of us are just like you.”