Legalization of Medical Marijuana in Georgia
April 17, 2015
Governor Nathan Deal has just signed a bill Thursday that will legalize low-THC cannabis oil for certain “medication-resistant epilepsies”. Otherwise know as Haleigh’s Hope Act, this new bill will create an infrastructure, registration process, and research program for the drug.
After facing hundreds of seizures a day, and receiving little help from the five potent drugs meant to control them, Haleigh Cox has been the face and inspiration behind this new bill. Haleigh’s mother, Janea, flew Haleigh out to Colorado, where medical marijuana is legal, in the hopes of saving her daughter’s life. With her seizure medicine making it difficult for Haleigh to breath, doctors put their faith in alternative treatment and have been astonished at the positive effect it has had on this five-year-olds life.
This bill will benefit those who suffer from chronic seizure disorders as well as allow patients to receive in-state treatment. To obtain a license in Georgia, you will need to have a specific covered condition, such as acute seizures.
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