Eagles Increase Campus Sustainability
February 26, 2015
Georgia Southern University’s Center for Sustainability just opened up requests for its Spring 2015 Student Sustainability Fee Project Grants.
Established last Spring semester, this grant strives to improve sustainability across campus while accessing funds anywhere from $1,000 to $10,000. In 2014, $438,000 was allocated to 23 Student Sustainability Fee Project Grants.
Project proposals may address any aspect of sustainability in the areas of Water, Energy, Waste, Biodiversity, Food and Transportation. It may also include projects that range from increasing biodiversity, to improving energy efficiency, implementing renewable energy solutions or encouraging sustainability behaviors.
Past projects included everything from the assessment of water quality and soil sequestration to equipping GSU golf carts with solar power charging systems.
Sustainability Fee projects may be proposed and conducted by any student, faculty, or staff member at GSU. The Annual call for proposals for funding in the next fiscal year will be due on April 1.