Ashton Johnson from the Georgia Southern University chapter of the NAACP endorses KeyShawn Housey

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{{tncms-inline content=”<p><em>This endorsement was submitted via a Google Form document that was created to allow students, student leaders and organizations to endorse any SGA candidate they choose. This endorsement does not reflect the views of The George-Anne.</em></p> <p><em>If you wish to submit an endorsement for any SGA candidate running, fill free to fill out the form <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a href="" target="_blank">here</a></span>. They will be published on this website until voting ends on Wednesday.</em></p>” id=”1082ce10-771f-4394-978a-b0f060017ef9″ style-type=”highlights” title=”Editor’s Note” type=”relcontent”}}

Although NAACP is a non-partisan organization, I felt compelled to give the best candidate my personal endorsement, that being Mr. KeyShawn Housey.

SGA is one of the most important organizations we have on this campus, and what we need is someone who cares not only about the students they represent, but who understands the policy being written by administration.