Zipline & S’mores!
Alanda Green, Photojournalist
January 11, 2023
Cameron Cheatam, a CRI student assistant, gave instructions to the students on the ‘belay on and belay off’ process to ensure the students climb up the tower safely to get to the top to zipline.
Cameron Cheatham (Center) is explaining the ‘belay on and belay off’ process to Jade Lee (Left) and Luke Sundquist (Right). They are both graduate students.
Jade Lee and Luke Sundquist waiting to be clear to climb the tower.
Liberty Johns (Right), a theatre major, along with other students lined up in the woods outside of the RAC to climb the tower to zipline. Everyone was thrilled to try a new experience and waited patiently on their turn.
Madison Inthirathvongsy (Left), a first year student majoring in dducation, and Emmalyn Pledger (Right), a first year student majoring in biology, were excited to try ziplining off the tower!
Emmalyn Pledger in action ziplining through the woods!
Emmalyn Pledger’s amazing landing after jumping off a tower and ziplining through the trial in the woods.
Will Evelyn, a CRI student assistant adventurer was an awesome help to students. He made sure everyone safely got off of the zipline.
Will Evelyn (Left) in action helping Emmalyn Pledger (Right) off the zipline after a fun experience through the trail in the woods!
Trinity Brisbane (Left), a nursing major, Destiny Ledge (Center), psychology major, and Victoria Resk (Right, multi-mediajournalism major, came together to zipline and make s’mores. They were excited for this great new outdoor activity.
Alexander Perry, a senior geography major was super excited to jump off the tower and zipline into the trail in the woods. He was being assisted by Chip Curl, CRI program assistant.
Lazarus Torpy (Left), a computer science major, and Reuben Peacock, an exchange student from England studying history, were excited about zipling and making s’mores after they zipline!
Josh Martinez (Left), a supply chain management major, and Gary Thomas (Right), a mechanical engineering major, got geared up for their exciting tower climbing and zipline experience.
Students gathered together by the camp fire to make s’mores and enjoy the atmosphere.
Attendees gathered together to make some delicious s’mores!
Shauntashia Moore, a business marketing major, enjoying her delicious s’more she made.