How to Survive a Month Back Home

Caitlyn Oliver

Thanksgiving break is over and that means finals are around the corner and then you’ve got a month back home. That week-long break in November was probably nice, with tons of food and seeing your family and being able to relax a little.

A month is longer than a week and by the end of it, you’ll probably be looking forward to coming back to school for an escape. Here’s a quick survival guide for that month.

1. Friends. You probably have friends that will be back home that live near you. Go out and have fun and catch up. Movies, walk around a park, be a tourist in your town (or the next city over).

2. Exercise. Doesn’t sound fun straight off, but it’ll be good for you, get you out of the house, and burn the leftover calories from Thanksgiving (and make you feel less bad about the upcoming holiday food).

3. Hobbies. Have something you like doing for fun? Paint, read, take pictures, write. These you can do anywhere, either in the comfort of your own room or outside.

4. Get a little lost. If you get really bored, go on an adventure. As in, pick a road and just drive. Sometimes you find things in your town you’d never see normally because it’s off the beaten path.