Obama to Propose Free Community College Program

Chris Rossmann

Obama intends to release a plan on Friday to create free tuition to community college for the first two years of a degree to all community college students.

Details for the plan have yet to be released, though The White House did say that if all states participated, nine million students could benefit, saving on average $3,800 in tuition per year for a full time student.

The funding details for the project will be provided later in the year with the president’s budget announcement, but figures to cost billions of dollars.

Under the proposal, states that opt into the program would be expected to pay a fraction of the funding. Participating students would be expected to maintain a minimum GPA and schools would be expected to meet certain academic requirements.

“Put simply, what I’d like to do is to see the first two years of community college free for everybody who is willing to work for it,” President Obama said.

Information and Quotes from:

· http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/01/08/obama-community-college_n_6439752.html?utm_hp_ref=college&ir=College