GS shutting down Paulson Stadium for round two of vaccine rollout

Alejandro DeLaFuente, Correspondent

Georgia Southern is shutting down Paulson Stadium this Thursday and Friday to begin their second round of drive-thru vaccine distribution.

Those who are eligible can make an appointment beforehand and get vaccinated in the parking lot of Paulson Stadium. For those who normally park at the stadium, free parking will be available at the RAC, in lot 42 near the College of Education building and in lot 29, the lot previously used for University Villas.

After a successful go at their drive-thru vaccination plan last month, the university will continue to administer the Moderna vaccine to all who are eligible to receive either their first or their second dose.

Those who are eligible to receive the vaccine at the stadium are outlined in the Georgia Department of Public Health’s multi-phase vaccine distribution plan, and are encouraged to make their appointment to receive their vaccine.

 Currently we are in phase 1A+ which includes individuals who are 65 or older and their caretakers, healthcare workers such as nurses and EMTs, law enforcement and firefighters, but the GDPH announced that this phase will begin to include educators and school staff, parents of children with complex medical conditions and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their caregivers.

The George-Anne reached out to the university for comment, and we have not heard back.