Grace Notes: Are you Making Friends?


Two weeks down, and I am feeling the burn of school. The first weeks are some of the hardest, in my opinion. Going from a free summer to a full set schedule can be mentally draining, but alas, I believe in our abilities to power through as best we can.

I will admit that getting you guys to send me your questions has been a struggle, but we have received our first submission! As I have said previously, you will be kept anonymous.

So let’s dig into the newest, not in our symphony. This person has asked: “what is the best way to get plugged into community groups on campus?”

Let’s start with this: knowing about things happening on campus can be complicated. So items are advertised to no end while others slip through the cracks. Whether a freshman/new student or a senior on campus, I am sure everyone can agree that finding groups is an arduous task.

I think over time; I have cracked the code in some ways. Forewarning does require talking to people or being observant. I know nowadays, most things are done digitally through social media or email, but there are paper veterans out there, and that’s usually the way to find clubs.

In most buildings on campus, especially University Hall, the Learning Commons and the Student Union, flyers are tacked up all around on the walls. These postings have helped me stumble upon many events on campus (that often have free food). So look up and try to read at least one of those flashy flyers or signs hanging around.

The other option is to ask people. I know this seems old-fashioned and somewhat obvious, but Armstrong is home to a diverse group of students who tend to be pretty involved. Often, these students are involved in some community on campus, whether religious, environmental, sports or even philosophy.

I will also leave you with this; our campus does host many events throughout the year to bring campus organizations together to give you information. I recommend trying one of these out at least once. They can open your eyes to things you didn’t even know existed on campus. I was shocked to learn about our Friends of Cats Organization, and there is so much more.

I have heard some pretty great Zumba classes are offered on campus.

I hope you guys have a great week, and please just remember to take a breath or silently scream if you need it. Also, my email is linked below if you have any questions or concerns you think I could help answer.