Hoop Crew to take applicants
October 31, 2013
The Georgia Southern University Athletic Department is taking applications for the 2013-2014 Hoop Crew.
The GSU Hoop Crew is the hospitality team for all GSU basketball games.
The Hoop Crew’s responsibilities include greeting fans at the door and giving away spirit gear. Members are here to create a fun atmosphere and relay all of their hospitality skills towards GSU fans.
“I want them to be high-spirited, have a lot of ambition and be really sociable,” sophomore athletic marketing intern Kelley Whitaker said.
Other responsibilities include serving food and beverages to GSU courtside seating, launching t-shirts into the stands, and serving hospitality to kids in the Eagle Fun Zone. Staff will direct fans to their seats, give out handouts and prizes and connect with the fans in the crowd.
Thirty students will be chosen by the Athletic Marketing department to be apart of the Hoop Crew this basketball season. Students who are looking to apply can go online at gseagles.com by Nov. 5.