The best view of Georgia Southern

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  • Enfinger is a senior writing and linguistics major from Hephzibah, Ga. Matthew has been on The George-Anne staff since sophomore year, and has held positions such as news reporter, news editor and The George-Anne editor-in-chief.

Matthew Enfinger

The editor-in-chief’s desk in The George-Anne newsroom sits next to a large window on the second floor of the Williams Center.

Looking out it, one can see down the pedestrium and see the occasional student walk by perhaps rushing to class or heading home.

This past year, I’ve spent a lot of time behind that desk, however the view through the window itself is only part of the perfect view.

For the past three years I’ve seen a lot of Georgia Southern University as a reporter and editor.

I’ve met three Georgia Southern presidents, two gubernatorial candidates, covered three different student led marches and have spoken to countless students. I’ve heard and witnessed stories that I know I will never encounter anywhere else.

I’ve seen students mourn over the death of friends and students triumph in taking action to have their voices heard.

I’ve seen how simple co-workers can change into friends and later change into family. I’ve seen and learned from mentors that I will forever aspire to be.

I’ve seen early mornings on campus when the first commuters hop on the bus at Paulson Stadium and late nights in the newsroom working on stories or laying out the weekly paper with our creative staff.

Wherever life takes me following graduation, I will always remember my time working here at The George-Anne and the wonderful view it provided me of Georgia Southern.

I hope that we as a staff have helped you see the view too. 

Thank you all. Keep reading!