Letter to the Editor: “Senate no more?”


Gregory Brock, Professor, Georgia Southern

The condescension in the recent “guidance” by the Administration to welcome faculty senators is unprecedented (section IV, Faculty Senate minutes 8/20/2020).  A list of 8 behavioral adjectives/phrases that administrators themselves don’t follow is expected of senators.  Senators are expected to use “I” when they speak and limit the time they speak – how refreshing if GSU Administrators would follow that too!  If we had $1 for every email sent by the provost’s office telling us to put our courses in folio our budget problems would be solved. Senators should lead by first clearing out the thicket of “desperately want to be an administrator too” faculty clogging up the Senate leadership posts as they cannot represent the faculty at large given their desperation.  The ideal Senator is not one with a permanent Mike Pence smile and immediate forward trunk lean when President Marrero and the Provost enter the room bobbing their heads in positive affirmation at everything.  Second, senators must insist faculty committees be given final decision-making authority with independent budgets free of any veto from wealthy real estate interests (the BOR).   Barring this, the Senate should vote itself out of existence and tear down the façade of dual governance at GSU once and for all.  Joint work requires a degree of respect from each side and the Administration has made clear in detail they view senators as small children at best.