Men of Vision and Excellence Host Open Mic Night

Poetry, music performed by students for students in Compass Point Clubhouse


Duncan Sligh

Robert Holland performs freestyle rap

Georgia Southern Armstrong’s chapter of Men of Vision and Excellence (M.O.V.E.) held an open mic event in the Compass Point Clubhouse on Wednesday, Nov 3. 2021. The organization invited students to perform music, comedy, poetry and other forms of live art and entertainment.

Performing students were met with attention and support from their listening peers. The primary artform on display was poetry, as several students read aloud their original poems to their fellow students who were eager to respond positively to the often sensitive and ambitious poems.

Anyone expecting simple, risk-free poetry would be surprised by the amount of vulnerability present in these performances. Themes included honesty, love, spirituality, interpersonal relationships, consent, injustice, racial identity and more.

This was M.O.V.E.’s first event of this type this semester, with plans tentatively in place to continue it as the fall semester winds down and Armstrong students transition into next year. Students looking for a safe space to perform art for a supportive audience should reach out to M.O.V.E. for details as to when the next event will be.

Compass Point Clubhouse performance space (Duncan Sligh)

This event is the latest in a series of opportunities for students to perform for their peers, with another open mic having been held by the Philosophical Discussion Club on Thursday, Oct. 28th. At press time, a karaoke night is planned to be held outside the Student Union on Thursday, Nov. 4, put on by Collegiate 100.

Performance-inclined students should keep their eyes out for more events as the semester winds down, as there seems to be a trend towards more of these opportunities becoming available for students as COVID-19 numbers continue to decline.

Organizations holding similar events can let the The George-Anne Inkwell know by submitting the details to the The George-Anne Inkwell’s Campus Corkboard.

More information on the Men of Vision and Excellence and their planned activities can be found on their webpage and Instagram page.