Club Tennis finished second in Savannah Open


Over the past weekend, the Club Tennis Team here at Armstrong came in second place in the Savannah open, which Georgia Southern sponsored.

The University of South Carolina came in first place with their three teams (ABC).

Our Club Tennis Team beat the University of South Carolina’s B team but lost to their A team 25 to 15.

Anna Lord, President of Club Tennis here at Armstrong, spoke on the atmosphere of the match and environment.

“The event was energizing. It was exciting to see all the courts being used all at one time by people who are just as enthusiastic about tennis as all of us. There were moments when the tension got very intense but at the end of the day, we all knew we were there for fun and the love of the sport. It was a great bonding experience for our team. There was something really motivating about having the tournament at our own courts,” said Lord.

The trophy for the event is open for students to view for the next couple of weeks; it is in the Armstrong Recreation Center.

Moreover, students are encouraged to join club tennis if interested; they are always looking for experienced players. Students can also attend a practice held on Tuesdays and Thursdays at the school courts from 5:30 – 7 pm.

For any questions or inquiries about Club Tennis, you can contact Anna Lord at