Volleyball home opener moved to Savannah

Ryan Pye

The consolidation between Georgia Southern and Armstrong has raised many questions about athletic event opportunities for students on the Savannah campus to attend, and the athletic department is beginning to make changes to adhere to those concerns.

The Georgia Southern volleyball team has officially moved its home opener against North Florida on Sept. 4 to Alumni Arena, in the Armstrong Sports Center, located in Savannah.

The free admission event will be the first official intercollegiate competition to be held on Georgia Southern’s Armstrong Campus for any Eagle athletic team.

“It’s a tremendous opportunity to bring an athletic event to the Armstrong Campus,” GS Athletic Director Tom Kleinlein said. 

The Eagles open the season Aug. 24-25 in West Virginia so this will be the first opportunity for many fans to see their team.

“It’s a great opportunity to play in front of our students and fans in Savannah,” head coach Duston Wood said. “We hope to have a great atmosphere for the match and make it a tough environment for North Florida.”

First serve of the match from Alumni Arena against the Ospreys of North Florida is set for 6:30 p.m.

Ryan Pye, The George-Anne Sports Reporter, gasports@georgiasouthern.edu