Yoga can provide sunlight in the midst of a dark isolated storm

Tori Collins

I am a third year college student, and like many other college students, the last two years I battled a tremendous struggle with sporadic feelings of depression. Emotions of feeling misunderstood, lonely, overwhelmed and worthless with no motivation to do anything. Opening my eyes every morning in disappointment, because here I am another day, lacking the desire to want  to exist.

Earlier this week I had the pleasure of joining a yoga class offered by Campus Recreational and Instrumentals (The RAC). Various types of yoga classes are offered at different times and days every week, throughout the semester. I had not attended one of these yoga classes since my freshman year of college.

Reminiscing, on the enjoyment the yoga classes once brought to me, I thought I’d take time to join another one.

The soft voice of the yoga instructor, the mellow tunes luring in my ear and the dimmed lights provided the perfect ambiance of a safe place to allow my mind, body and spirit to be at ease.

The yoga class brought me peace, allowing me to substantially collect my feelings and thoughts. The quiet room gave me a space to feel relaxed, where I could not only benefit from physical gain but also benefit from internal emotional gain.

The yoga instructor assured all the participating yogis that this is their own personal practice, and that there is no pressure to continue a certain exercise, that one may not feel comfortable with.

Being in an environment of complete serenity, escaping the expectations and pressures of the outside world was absolute bliss.

Commonly when people pose the question of “ How are you?” or “How’s your day going?”, they typically are asking the question with intentions of receiving a very surfaced like response.

When most people are inquiring about someone else’s health or one’s own health, they typically consider the physical feeling of the stomach and head, or the limbs, or perhaps the practice of exercising and dieting correctly.

Not many people consider the non physical aspect of health. The most important factor of health. Which is the power and vital importance of  mental health.

Depression is real! Most people like myself, who are reserved in expressing their most personal emotions, and who fears being judge incorrectly or treated like a “charity case” go through depression alone and in silence.

After much time and extreme stress, I am blessed everyday to have defeated my depression and I cherish my life in a way I didnt  know was possible before.

I am grateful to be at a university that provides resources to not only allow students to prevail in the classroom, but also provides resources to contribute to the wellness of their students health.

The yoga instructor closed the class by communicating kind words. She wished to each yogi to give love and receive love….. Namaste.