Goodbye Fritz, hello McGee: Reactions to the head football coach change-up

Lauren Gorla

On Friday, Dec. 11 Willie Fritz stepped down as the head football coach of the Georgia Southern Eagles to take the head coaching position for the Tulane Green Wave.

That same afternoon, athletic director Tom Kleinlein announced that assistant head coach Dell McGee would take over as interim head coach for the GoDaddy Bowl game in Mobile, Ala. 

Read student and twitter reactions below. For updated football coverage, follow our sports staff on twitter @georgeannesport.

“We might not be as good a team next year. We were doing a good job for the most part with Fritz in charge. Changing our coach now might mess that up” –Matt Adedeji, freshman
“Well, Willie Fritz was an enigmatic coach who was well know within our community. As a person he was very energetic and inspiring, and at very least Tulane university would find that to their advantage. His clear adeption at coaching aside, he’ll surely be a positive influence on the school.” -Johnathan Levelle, freshman

“I don’t think too many people didn’t see it coming. The coaches here at Southern don’t get paid enough to stay. Programs like Tulane can grab them up and offer them double the cash they make here and there’s no real reason why any coach would say no to the money.” -Chandler Maxwell, sophomore, Finance major

Jacob Smith and Cheryl Nuzum contributed to this report.