Your Valentine’s Day Horoscope
February 4, 2020
Whether we’re having dinner and going dancing with our special someone or simply staying in with the girls for some wine and Netflix, Valentine’s Day is special to a lot of us.
As we enter February, we are merely days away from Valentine’s Day. With red hearts printed on nearly everything, oversized bears popping up in stores and expensive chocolates being put on display, it’s not hard to remember. If you’re a hopeless romantic and religiously rely on your horoscope for answers, then this is a must-read for you.
Aries: March 21 – April 19
Hit by a sudden craving for love? Don’t be alarmed as Mercury enters Pisces on February 3rd. Now is a good time to do all the romantic activities you’ve probably been putting off. Communication during this time is also important so those activities go as planned.
Taurus: April 20 – May 20
Your confidence, creativity and ability to instantly capture someone’s attention is going to work well in your favor this month. As Mercury moves into Pisces, efforts of communication are strong, use this opportunity to tell a potential love interest exactly what you want and how you feel. Be Assertive and all should be well.
Gemini: May 21 – June 20
Love and work are high on your to-do list this month, and being the air sign you are, you should have no trouble balancing the two. Rely heavily on your gut if the situation becomes too tricky. On Feb. 7, you’ll be strongly seeking love but don’t be surprised if you may not find that special Valentine. Focus on your work.
Cancer: June 21 – July 22
Like many of your fellow signs, communication is crucial in getting what you want. This may be with lovers, friends or family. On Feb. 9, allow this time to reflect strongly on what you want. Spend some quality time with yourself, and in the following week, you’ll be spending your Valentine’s with someone truly special.
Leo: July 23 – Aug 22
Want to move on and surely put the past behind you? Then it’s up to you to actually do that and Pisces can help. Be kind but also practice assertiveness. The weekend of Feb. 7 is all about you and spending time with your special someone. The enthusiastic weekend to come will surely lead you in the right direction as Valentine’s Day approaches.

Virgo: Aug 23 – Sep 22
You maybe marking off the days until V-day, but hold your horses. The first week of February has other plans for you. Like your dreams. Stop planning the most romantic date ever for a minute and go after what you’ve been waiting for. The hustle starts now. Prepare to also be challenged in your relationship. As the love planet approaches, it’s time to sit down and have that talk you’ve maybe been avoiding.
Libra: Sep 23 – Oct 22
You’re energized with confidence as Venus enters Aries. Say what you want and mean it. Now is the time to talk to a love interest or potential one about where the relationship is going. Be bold and confident and you should be fine. Use this newfound confidence and go all out when Valentine’s Day arrives. Two words: Rose petals.
Scorpio: Oct 23 – Nov 21
Your friends and partners are a big deal this month. When Mercury enters Pisces, the mood is chill. Spending quality time with friends will leave you thoroughly satisfied. Feb. 9 brings a full moon, and the Lion inside of you should be embraced. Self-care is important here. Keep this energy flowing, and Feb. 14 will be something special.
Sagittarius: Nov 22 – Dec 21
Mindfulness is going to work well in your favor this month, so practice it. Communicate carefully. You may not be fond of walking on eggshells, but it will be a good idea that you try it. Feb. 7 brings romance Venus into Aries and the time is all about you. Spend it with whoever and however you want.
Capricorn: Dec 22 – Jan 19
Being assertive is the only way you’ll be getting what you want, and planet Venus will help with that. On Feb. 7, communicate exactly what you want to your partner. This should help you decide how you’ll be spending the following special weekend.
Aquarius: Jan 20 – Feb
This is your season and while romance isn’t normally your specialty, you’ve decided to let down those walls as Plant Venus (aka the love planet) enters Aries on Feb. 7 Exactly a week before the big day, you have plenty of time to make those connections. Both romantic and platonic love is hot on your radar.
Pisces: Feb 19 – March 20
Always stuck between craving love and needing freedom, you like your friend Aquarius, often struggle in the love department. But as the Love Planet surfaces, keep your eyes open on Feb. 9. Any potential love interest is sure to last. Stay alert for any reappearing exes.