Sex trafficking film and speaker

Caitlyn Oliver

Today in the Russell Union theater “Eden,” a film about a young girl’s experiences being sold into the sex trade, will be shown at 7 p.m.

The film is a true story based off the experiences of Chong Kim, who was kidnapped in 1994, sold into the sex trade and did not escape until three years later.

“This is something much more common than a lot of us are aware of, especially in the Atlantic area. I think that’s part of what inspired a lot of student interest in this issue,” Chris Caplinger, director of First-Year Experience (FYE), said.

The pair of events is part of the Global Engagement series involved in the FYE courses.

“The concept of Global Engagement is that you’re aware of things that are happening outside of your own locale and this is something that is both global and local,” Caplinger said.

Kim was born in South Korea but came to the United States as a toddler and became a citizen. She was abducted at 19 years of age.

“This is a great way to put a face on the twenty-seven million people who end up in human trafficking worldwide,” Claire Torell, Student Abolitionist Movement president, said.

The film depicts a young girl who goes to a bar and a young man offers to buy her a drink and take her home. Instead, she is forced into prostitution and becomes part of a drug trafficking ring located outside Las Vegas, Nevada.

Chong Kim published her memoir, “Broken Silence,” in which she describes how she was wooed by a man claiming to be a soldier and convinced her to go with him to Florida but the pair ended up in Oklahoma.

Her captors kept her drugged and beat her more often than not. Since this ordeal, Kim has dedicated her life to speaking and creating awareness about the horrors of sex trafficking, reaching out to victims and establishing a nonprofit organization called Minorities and Survivors Improving Empowerment.

Kim will also be visiting campus on Thursday in the Russell Union at 7 p.m. to talk to students about her unfortunate intimacy with sex trafficking within the United States.

“Hopefully hearing her accounts will hit home with students more than if they just heard about it,” Torell said.

The events were organized by the Student Abolitionist Movement, First-Year Experience, College of Business Administration and the Jiann-Ping Hsu College of Public Health.