GSU student employee receives award

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Tayler Critchlow

Georgia Southern University student employees were recognized Tuesday afternoon during the Student Employee of the Year ceremony.

Marvin Duggan, mechanical engineering graduate assistant, won the Student Employee of the Year out of the 48 nominees.

Student employment week is a national annual event during which universities throughout the country celebrate the achievements of students working on campus, Demitrius Bynes, director of Human Resources, said.

A nominee for the Student Employee of the Year award must be recognized as a student employee by the Department of Human Resources and have worked as a student employee for at least six months, Ashley Broxton, student financial aid counselor for the office of financial aid in charge of the ceremony, said.

There were eight judges that read through each of the nominations before selecting the winner, Broxton said.

“All nominees receive a framed certificate of recognition and they receive a coupon from the university bookstore. The winner receives an engraved plaque along with a one hundred dollar check,” Broxton said.

Vice President of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management Teresa Thompson also recognized nominees.

Along with the Student Employee of the Year ceremony Student Employment Week hosted other events.

Yesterday was Student Appreciation Day, which is the biggest event of the week, Bynes said.

“We celebrate our students that work on campus and we have food and refreshments, and we play games and just do a lot of little things to let students know that we appreciate them,” Bynes said.

Today there will be a Rocky Horror Interview Show in the Russell Union Commons area from 10 – 11:30 a.m., Shaun Williams, coordinator for Human Resources, said.

This will be the first time the Rocky Horror Interview Show will take place. It will be a public mock interview conducted by professionals from the department of Human Resources, Williams said.

Students will be able to watch other students being interviewed to make mental notes of good things that are happening and bad things that should not be done, Bynes said.

“Ultimately part of our mission is to help students gain employment either on campus or off campus and interviewing is a big key,” Bynes said.

Bynes said, “Any student that is on campus is free to come to any of our events. We want to connect with the students. We want to talk to them about employment opportunities that we have on campus as well as off campus. We want to make them aware of our work that we are doing here on campus to find more employment opportunities.”