Walk A Mile In Her Shoes returns to Georgia Southern campus Tuesday

Anthony Belinfante

Georgia Southern University will be hosting its 7th annual Walk A Mile In Her Shoes on Tuesday.

Walk a Mile In Her Shoes is an international program that aims to raise awareness and encourage communication about gender relations and sexual violence.

Starting at the Rotunda, men will walk across the GS campus in red high-heeled shoes to raise awareness on these issues.

“We hope that Georgia Southern students, faculty and staff as well as community members will leave with a better understanding of the impact of sexual violence and a plan for what they can do to help reduce to incidence of sexual violence,” Lauren Patterson, Sexual Assault Response Team co-chair, said.

All proceeds will be donated The Teal House: Statesboro Regional Sexual Assault and Child Advocacy Center.

The event begins at 5:30 p.m., with registration beginning at 4 p.m.

Watch 2017’s Walk A Mile In Her Shoes event below.

Anthony Belinfante, The George-Anne News Reporter, ganewsed@georgiasouthern.edu.