No Impact Week makes another impact at Georgia Southern

William Cobb

Georgia Southern University’s Center for Sustainability started its eighth annual No Impact Week Sunday.

Inspired by Colin Beavin’s film No Impact Man, the event aims to highlight people’s effect on the environment and teach sustainable living practices to help reduce our ecological footprints.

“No Impact Week is a week-long carbon cleanse, a chance to really think about sustainability in your daily life and to reduce your impact,” Lissa Leege, director of the Center for Sustainability said. “Our hope is to raise awareness about all aspects of sustainability in an engaging and enjoyable way.”

Every day of the week has a collection of events meant to help achieve this goal, with each day addressing a different topic.


Sunday addresses the topic of consumption, and will open a sustainability showcase in the library at noon alongside a recycling program near the Russell Union Theater.


Monday addresses trash and there will be several activities at the Russell Union Rotunda from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

They include a repair workshop hosted by eco-reps and fashion managing and apparel design students, a display of projects discussing campus waste reduction and recycling. There will also be a “Careers in Environmental Education” workshop at the Georgia Southern Botanic Garden at 4 p.m.


Tuesday explores the topic of food, hosting a farmer’s market at the Rotunda from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and a collection of environmentally friendly activities, such as a cooking demonstration by the Wellness Office and a food waste activity by the CFS.


Wednesday will examine water, with more events being held at the Rotunda from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and a recycled boat regatta at the Education/Nursing Pond at 5 p.m.

Event-goers are encouraged to build and race boats out of recycled materials. Food trucks and a DJ will also accompany the regatta.


On Thursday, the topic of energy is discussed, featuring a tour of a residence hall from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. that teaches participants how to reduce their ecological footprint in the while living on campus.

There will also be a showing of the film “A Plastic Ocean in the Natural Sciences Building Room 1119 at 7 p.m. and a no-phone night of mingling and relaxation at Sweetheart Circle from 7:30 p.m. to 10 p.m.

The residence hall tour will begin at the Eagle Village Clubhouse, and participants will have a chance to win a variety of eco-friendly prizes.


Friday details transportation and encourages event-goers to bike to campus instead of drive, with prizes being available at the Rotunda for participants from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

The Rotunda will also host a set of events pertaining to transportation and sustainability in general, including free bike tune-ups and a lesson on DIY air fresheners.


Saturday’s theme is Giving Back, featuring the Spring into Statesboro event, a family-friendly celebration of spring on Downtown East Main Street from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., and the annual ArtsFest at Sweetheart Circle, a celebration of art and art education.

The Great American Clean-Up will take place during Spring into Statesboro, while the CFS will host art from Trash ArtStop.


Sunday will close out the week with a reflection, asking eventgoers and students in general to look back on their experience with the event.

In addition to the daily events, certain events will be ongoing for the entire week:

  • A Sustainability Showcase celebrating 16 projects funded by student sustainability fees on the second floor of the Henderson Library. Opens at 12 p.m. on Sunday.
  • A recycling drive collecting electronics, shoes and clothing held outside the Union Theater beginning on Sunday
  • Sustainable, GMO-free dining options at the Dining Halls starting Monday
  • Reuse, Reduce, Recycle, READ, where books will be given away for free in the first-floor atrium of the Henderson Library starting Monday
  • Programs of the Day at the Wildlife Center discussing the theme of each day in an afternoon program, beginning Monday at 3:30 p.m.

The Center for Sustainability encourages students to also register for No Impact Week, as doing so will provide them with emails detailing the time and place of the week’s events and earn them eligibility for a special NIW t-shirt made entirely of recycled material.

To receive the shirt, registrants must either participate in a supervised NIW event, post one of the daily video challenges and tag the CFS or present evidence of a sustainable action at the Rotunda from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday through Friday.

No Impact Week is scheduled to return to GS next year, continuing its reign as the longest running No Impact Week in the country.

For more information on the week and its events, go to

William Cobb, The George-Anne Candidate,