How to be Your Own Valentine


Jenna Wiley, Editor-in-Chief

It’s that time of year everyone! Valentine’s Day is quickly approaching and if you’re like me, Valentine’s Day is my favorite holiday simply because of all the discounted candy that goes on sale the day after.

If your’e going to be single this V-Day, don’t panic or run to that ice cream tub. There are plenty of ways to enjoy the day by yourself.

Say “I Love You!“ to yourself

Positive affirmations have been a trend lately, and there’s no better day to start the habit than Valentine’s Day. Loving yourself is essential to boost self-confidence and self-acceptance, and you deserve to love yourself just as you give your love to others. Take a moment and look at yourself in the mirror and declare your love for yourself.

Write a love note to yourself

Why not write yourself a love note and remind yourself how amazing you are? Leave it in a place you will discover unexpectedly and celebrate yourself. There is enough negative talk in the world — we need more love notes, even if you write your own.

Treat yourself

Make a point to schedule things just for you. Whether it’s a walk in nature, a special getaway or a quiet evening to read or catch up on your favorite TV programs, take the time to focus on you. If you want to lay around in your pajamas all day or drink a whole bottle of your favorite wine, go for it!

Get your own flowers

There’s no need to drop $75 on a bouquet of roses. Consider going to your local grocery store or nursery and pick out a bouquet of all your favorite flowers. They’ll look great on that coffee table!

Going out to dinner on Valentine’s Day is always more effort than it’s worth, trust me. If you don’t have a reservation months in advance the wait times will be insane. Cooking yourself a gourmet meal in the comfort of your own home is bound to take some of that stress away!

Valentine’s Day doesn’t have to mean that you are wallowing in pity. Being single isn’t anything to be ashamed of even on Valentine’s Day.