How to keep up with the pandemic over the break


We’ve reached the point where we didn’t return last year, and where we can mark on a calendar when all of our lives changed to one degree or another. 

The pandemic is still going which means we are bombarded with information from new stations, fashion magazines, that one aunt’s facebook posts and signs reminding us to wash our hands and cover our faces most places we go.

As we proceed into our second pandemic spring break here are some sure fire sources to keep up with any changes before having a small heart attack or eye roll while skimming through article headlines.

For the latest developments available you can go to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) page where they update both statistics and what you need to know based on the latest developments. 

Vaccine information is available through the CDC webpage but if you are curious as to the latest breakdown and more specifics about them the information is also available on the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) which provided the emergency approval for three available vaccines. Since the vaccines have to be approved by the FDA they tend to have more information prior to the updates on the CDC webpage.

Since each state is approaching vaccination distribution differently, you can visit the Georgia Department of Public Health (GDPH) website where the latest eligible population guidelines are bolded to indicate the date of any changes. The latest one will go into effect on March 15, 2021.

Most of us are quite familiar with Georgia Southern’s Response to the Covid-19 Pandemic page. This page has any university wide messages, general information, as well as vaccine information on how to get a vaccine if eligible through the university.