Liven Up Your Home With Easy House Plants


Olivia Craft, Managing Editor

Since it is difficult to get outside during the pandemic and the weather has been so dreary lately, here are some easy to care for houseplants that will liven up your living space. 


Pothos– this plant is one of the most forgiving when it comes to neglect. It is a viney plant meaning it will grow to be long and eventually could wrap around things as decor. When it comes to caring for this plant, the easiest thing to do is keep it in an area in your room or house where there is partial light. This plant is not a sun lover, but the sunlight assists with making the pothos get larger, therefore 3-4 hours of sunlight a day would be adequate. 


When it comes to watering the plant, the easiest way to avoid overwatering is by poking your finger about an inch into the soil. If the soil is wet, it does not need to be watered, but if it is dry it does. The best way to water these plants is by bottom watering. Bottom watering consists of pouring water into a drip dish and sitting the pot in it so that the soil can drink as much water as it needs without any excess. 


Bottom watering is good, but there are nutrients in the top of the soil that need to trickle down onto the plants roots, therefore it is smart to trickle some water over the top of the soil every now and then. 


Last but not least, if you want your pothos to be super happy, you should mist it multiple times a day with water. I would also recommend taking it into the bathroom when you shower so that the humidity from the steam can soak into the plant and give it some extra life. 


Pothos are not toxic to animals unless ingested. 


Prayer Plant–prayer plants are known for their tendency to dance in the sunlight. They also are fairly easy to maintain. These plants do the best in shaded sunlight. This means that as long as the sunlight is filtered through curtains, for example, the plant will be happy. In order to get colors to come through in the leaves, you can put the prayer plant in direct sunlight for about 2-3 hours. A good spot for this plant is in the common area.



Watering the prayer plant is the same as the pothos. You check about an inch deep into the soil, then you bottom water it. You will want to mist it with water multiple times a day, especially during the dryer seasons. 


Prayer plants are not toxic to animals unless ingested. 



Christmas Cactus— these plants are simple to keep alive and simple looking as well. They bloom in the winter time and thrive in dry soil and air. When it comes to watering the Christmas Cactus, the best thing that I have found to do is wait until the soil is so dry that it is almost dusty. Then water it over the top of the soil until it drips out of the drain holes to ensure it gets soaked. 




These plants like shade and only require 2-3 hours of sunlight.

Christmas cacti are not toxic to cats and dogs. They are also a good food for tortoises. 





Nerve Plant–this plant has a lot of personality. When something–anything is wrong with it, the plant will literally fain

t. It is not dead, it is just sad and needs a little extra love. This plant does the best in 4-6 hours of direct sunlight. It is also important to provide adequate humidity for this plant, therefore taking it into the bathroom when showering is important. When watering the nerve plant, you should feel about ½ inch to 1 inch into the soil. If the soil is dry, bottom water it until it stops soaking in the water. 


These plants are non toxic to animals. 


House plants are a good way to work on responsibility as well as liven up the inside of your living space. These tips are based solely on trial and error with my own house plants, so they may not be technically correct, but they work for me.