A look into Krispy Kreme’s viral marketing and the COVID vaccine


Fernanda Camacho Hauser, Correspondent

Since March 22 the Krispy Kreme doughnut chain has had their Covid-19 Vaccine Offer where those who chose to be vaccinated can show their vaccine card and receive a free glazed donut once a day for the rest of 2021.

But how has that played out for the local Krispy Kreme location off of Northside Drive?

We called and talked to Devin Stephens and Thomas Helmke, the branch manager, to see how they’ve seen this promotion play out since it’s begun.

Both Helmke and Stephens have noticed an increase in the number of people that this location sees on a regular basis with a mix of both Georgia Southern students and community members who have been visiting the location to take advantage of the offer.

Helmke estimates that 90% of those who stop by the location for the offer only leave with the free donut that their vaccination card allows them access to. And while those who visit are described as a good mixture of demographics a large portion of those taking advantage of the offer are Georgia Southern students and older members of the community.

Stephens mentioned that there are times where it isn’t just one person per car but multiple who have their vaccination card to prove their status as a recipient of the free donut.