Diversity and inclusion modules to be added to Georgia Southern core curriculum

Rachel Adams

Georgia Southern University is working to add diversity and inclusion to its curriculum.

After the passing of a diversity and inclusion resolution by the GS Student Government Association on Nov. 3, GS is planning to implement diversity and inclusion modules as well as an array of assignments into its first and second year experience courses.

“We would like to integrate diversity and inclusion throughout the curriculum to reinforce the importance of this at many levels of the curriculum,” Carl Reiber, Ph.D., Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs said in an email. “Not just a single course.”

All GS students are required to take first and second year experience courses as part of their core curriculum.

“We will embed the new elements into the first year experience courses in the spring term with full implementation in the fall,” Reiber said. “Second year experience courses will be developed with the new content integrated for the fall term.”

The entire resolution can be viewed below:

Rachel Adams, The George-Anne News Reporter, ganewsed@georgiasouthern.edu