Disparities among parking permit prices on campuses continue

Rachel Adams

Despite the consolidation between Georgia Southern University and Armstrong State University being complete, there is still a disparity in the price of parking passes between the two campuses.

Since the consolidation, students from both campuses can now park in certain lots on either campus.

This year, GS students are still paying $160 for parking permits, while Armstrong students are paying $50. Additionally, GS faculty are paying $100 for parking permits, while Armstrong faculty do not have to pay.

There has been no decision made regarding the parking rates for the 2019-2020 academic year for any campus.

The prices for student parking permits on both campuses will remain the same, as will the price for faculty parking permits on the Statesboro campus. However, beginning next fall, Armstrong faculty will also pay $100 a year for parking permits Davis said.

“I have heard some of the faculty/staff members are not pleased about the change in price on the Armstrong Campus permits but understand the increase,” Davis said in the email.

Students speak

Some GS students are not happy with the differences in parking permit prices.

“I think it’s ridiculous,” Amber Smith, junior writing and linguistics major, said. “We should be paying at least closer to the same price for parking passes.”

Marcie DeMond, senior mechanical engineering major, agrees.

“They should be the same, probably, like in the middle,” DeMond said.

More information about parking permit prices is available on the Department of Parking and Transportation’s website.

Rachel Adams, The George-Anne News Reporter, ganewsed@georgiasouthern.edu