TEST image code 2

Michelle Pratt

“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.”

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You may have heard that quote somewhere, sometime in your life. Maybe your parents or grandparents told you that. Perhaps someone older and wiser might have scolded you for thinking superficially. Either way, everyone perceives beauty differently and that’s perfectly fine! However, when it comes down to one’s ideal type, they are bound to be different from their neighbor’s ideals.

Isaiah “Zay” Crowder, junior electrical engineering major, was asked what he thought were physical traits of an attractive person. “First of all, she gotta have cute eyes,” Crowder said. Crowder added that he does not mind much if a girl isn’t top-heavy, “but I like a fat booty!”

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Nicholas Carter, also a junior electrical engineering major, seems to care about physical qualities in a different way. He described a physically attractive girl as having “groomed hair, decent skin, and… an athletic or fit body.”

Both men were asked on their personal opinions if they thought a girl wearing makeup was attractive or not. Crowder responded, “I don’t like makeup.” He further elaborated that he personally felt makeup hides who a girl really is; she may not have that perfect airbrushed skin or bubblegum pink lips he thought she would naturally have. “When you take off your makeup, you won’t be who I thought you was [sic],” Crowder said. He prefers all-natural, bare-faced girls over a full face of makeup.

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Carter has similar tastes, albeit more lenient. “As little as possible. If you look like a clown, that’s not cool,” Carter said. A little eyeliner here and lipstick there does not bother him, but he also prefers girls not to have a full face of makeup.