Dean of Students introduces GS Wireless

Meg Elwood

* Photo courtesy of Dean of Students.

The Dean of Students released an email to all Georgia Southern students Thursday introducing a new wireless networking system for the campus.

Instead of the several wireless networks around campus, such as; gsucampus, resnet or gsuguest, the entire campus will now be under only three networks.

According to the email, the three primary networks are:

  • GSCampus: A secured network for anyone with a MyGeorgiaSouthern ID
  • GSGuest: An unsecured network for visitors who register for access after connecting.
  • GSDevice: An unsecured network, primarily for GS Housing residents to connect gaming consoles, smart TV’s, streaming devices, etc.

These networks are currently up and running, the previous networks will be discontinued on March 8. Students are encouraged to go ahead and change to these networks in order to avoid surprise connection issues when using devices.

For more information on GS Wireless, including instructions for connecting to the network, check out the system Service Guide.

If you experience GSCampus connection problems, call the Service Desk at (912) 478-2287.