We Want You! Local businesses hiring in the Boro

Kristyn Hughes

Looking for a job in the Statesboro area can be tough. Especially when it seems like everyone around you is looking for one as well. Many of us by now have run out of our eagle express or are just in need of some extra cash for the holiday season. Whatever it may be, we can all appreciate a job. So the question is, who is actually hiring in Statesboro?

Unlike Burger King who has had the same “Now Hiring” words on their marquee for a few months now, there are a few places looking to fill positions around the Statesboro area.

Many service industries are hiring at the moment like Arby’s whose application you can pick up in store or fill out online. The “new” Zaxby’s across from the Centennial dorms is also accepting applications as well. It wouldn’t hurt having an application on file. 

Want to go the server experience route? Gnats Landing is always accepting applications that you can pick up in store as well as FoodWorld and Cookout on Fair road. 

One place to look during your job search, The Georgia Southern Employment Center website. Accessible through my.georgiasouthern, Georgia Southern lists full, part-time, temporary, student and work study jobs. Students enrolled with at least 6 credits can apply for student positions through the website. 

If you’re confident in your driving skills, 18 years of age, have a clean driving record and never meet a stranger, maybe a job with Boro D.D driving a Taxi cab or teaming up with Uber might work for you. You would need your driving record over the last few years as well as pass a background check. 

Whether they’re just accepting applications or actively hiring, having extra money in your pocket is something we all can appreciate.