GSU hosts National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week

Yasmeen Waliaga

Next week, Oct. 20-23, Georgia Southern University will be hosting a National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week, to promote knowledge of alcohol and its effects among college students.

“The National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week is a week dedicated to educating students on alcohol abuse and impaired driving prevention,” Kerry Greenstein, associate dean of students who provides leadership and support to the Alcohol and Other Drugs Office at GSU, said.

The Alcohol and Other Drugs Office provides education about prevention of various drugs throughout the year. National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week is held each year to focus specifically on alcohol education.

“This year, we decided to focus on the consequences associated with drinking alcohol, and each day of the week will highlight a different type of consequence,” Greenstein said.

The week will begin with the topic of monetary consequences. Students will be able to observe “The True Cost of Alcohol” throughout the week because the monetary consequences will be on display on the Russell Union staircase.

“We hope that the programs we have planned for the week teach students, in a fun, engaging way, something new about alcohol, how it affects them, and some of the negative consequences associated with consuming too much alcohol,” Greenstein said.

Day One, Oct. 21 – The focus on day one will be on physical consequences. There will be a “Mocktail Bar” from 11 a.m. until 2 p.m. at the Russell Union concession Stand providing free non-alcoholic drinks and information about how alcohol affects the body.

Day Two, Oct. 22 – Behavioral consequences will be the topic of the second day. There will be a “Define Your Limit” activity from 11 a.m. until 2 p.m. in the Russell Union Rotunda. Students will be able to learn how to find and set their limit of alcohol consumption so that they can prevent binge drinking and the negative consequences associated with it.

Day 3, Oct. 23 – Day three will focus on showing students the emotional consequences of drinking. At 6:30 p.m. in the Russell Union Theater, there will be a screening of a movie showing tragic situations due to alcohol abuse.