BRIEF: Georgia Southern Chemistry Club to host Mole Day

Alexis Hampton

STATESBORO — Georgia Southern’s Chemistry Club is set to play with fire and blow stuff up during their annual Mole Day event. 

These experiments will be conducted in a safe manner by trained students of Student Affiliates of the American Chemical Society on Oct. 23 at the Rotunda.

Experiment demonstrations will include smashing things frozen with Liquid Nitrogen and Flame Test Balloons.

SAACS was founded to promote chemistry and community service, according to MyInvolvement. 

“The main purpose is to get students and people in the community interested in science,” Elizabeth Loos, SAACS President, said.

Their service in the community includes volunteering at events like STEM Fest, Southern Collegiate Leadership Conference and in collaboration with Tri Beta on a Tybee Island beach cleanup.

The event starts at 6:02 p.m, inspired by a measuring unit in chemistry, (6.02 x 1023), known as Avogadro’s number.

Only science majors are eligible to join, according to MyInvolvement, however President Loos says all students regardless of major are welcome to join. Anyone interested in joining can attend one of their weekly meetings on Thursdays at 6 p.m.

Alexis Hampton, The George-Anne Candidate,