Georgia Southern reacts to riots at the Capitol


Kevin Davoud, Correspondent

This past week The George-Anne sent out a google form asking you to respond to questions about recent events that took place at Capitol Hill, here’s how you responded:

How do you feel about the riots at the Capitol Wednesday?

“On any regular day, Washington D.C. is one of the most heavily guarded areas of the United States…We just showed the world how easy it is to walk into a building where our nation’s most important public figures meet on a regular basis,” said GSU student Milan Berry. 

Last Wednesday’s attack occurred shortly after a joint session in Congress dispersed to deliberate on the objections made to certification of Arizona’s Electoral College votes; hours earlier President Trump held a rally down the street, where he directed attendees toward the Capitol and encouraged them “to show strength,” stressing that they would “never take back our country with weakness.”

Should the 25th amendment be invoked? How do you feel about the riots at the Capitol Wednesday?

“The use of the 25th amendment is totally appropriate in this case”, GSU student A.R. said, “and while there are definitely also grounds for impeachment to remove him from office, there’s not enough time to pursue that route…If the president of the United States receives absolutely no consequences for inciting and then refusing to shame a violent riot within the Capitol building, then our system is broken.” 

What are your thoughts on the bans imposed by social media platforms on President Trump’s accounts? 

As of Tuesday, 6 major social media platforms have banned or suspended President Trump’s personal accounts on the grounds that his rhetoric about refusal to accept the results of the 2020 election may incite further violence. 

“By not holding President Trump to the same standards, terms, and conditions that all other social media users must abide by – these outlets have enabled the President to harm the United States through disinformation and inciting seditious behavior for far too long. Issuing a temporary ban on the President’s accounts during his final weeks in office does not absolve them,” says GSU faculty-member Scott Taylor.