What I’ve Learned as a Commuter

By commuter, we mean more than 30 miles…


Sandra Sanders, Lifestyle Editor

What do you do when you find out you are graduating early and don’t want to rent an apartment for an entire year? You become a commuter. Luckily, living in Savannah gives me the choice to drive to the Statesboro campus on the days I have class. After commuting to Statesboro for a few weeks…

I have collected a few tips and tricks:

  • Strategically plan out your schedule: When I decided that I was going to move home for my last semester, I knew I had to plan out my schedule so I wouldn’t be driving to Statesboro five days a week. Currently, I have one in-person class on campus that only meets twice a week and three online classes.
  • Time Management: A good skill to have when deciding to commute is time management. My drive takes about an hour and fifteen minutes and I like to get to campus at least an hour early, so I can get settled and grab a coffee or breakfast. 
  • Gas: The one downside to commuting is paying for gas. I try to make the most of my gas, but I definitely would put it in the cons column. Certain gas stations have memberships or gas cards that have rewards or things like that so it is definitely something to consider. 
  • Get all of your ducks in a row: Make sure that you have a reliable source of transportation, a parking pass, and all the essentials packed to get through the day, such as: a laptop, laptop charger, phone charger, snacks, any books or notebooks necessary, and headphones for any zoom calls.
  • Make the most out of your time: Since I am only on campus two days a week, I try to fit in as much as possible. Besides class, I have a few obligations I have to do throughout the day and then I take time to see friends or chat with Professors. Also, since it is my last semester of undergrad, I am trying to make the most out of my time and enjoy being on campus instead of rushing home.