Surviving Syllabus Week

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  • Tookie Brown

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Araya Jackson

At the beginning of each semester, we’re blessed with a certain little time period known as Syllabus Week.

For many, this is the perfect opportunity to drop/add like crazy, write out months in advance in your planner, and drop a rent payment on textbooks.

For others, this is the time to settle back into your home, catch up with the squad about all the oh-so super interesting things you did over the break, and drown your sorrows at happy hour after you realize you needed that rent payment you just dropped on textbooks.

The major key is balancing a bit of it all.

When students were asked how they feel about last week, I was thrilled to see that most people have their heads on pretty straight.

I hope everyone used this grace period to get their lives together for a successful spring semester. If not, I hope your hangover wasn’t too bad and your wallet isn’t too dusty.

“Everything builds up and if you don’t manage your time wisely, you’re gonna get behind. Even in the beginning.” Hope Kimberly, junior therapeutic recreation major, said.

“Honestly syllabus week is the week when you have to decide if you’re gonna actually drop this class or not.” Jordan Storey, sophomore biology pre-vet major, said.

“This is when I figure out how to get to class and what time I need to wake up for it so I can make it.” Morgan Gray, sophomore biology pre-vet major, said.

“It helps, but not because they read the syllabus for it. It helps because you get to see how the teachers are and how they speak, how they interact with the students.” Symone Menefee, sophomore communication studies major, said.

“You just got to take your time, do it right, and try to have a little fun.” Bazemore Mitchell, senior nutrition and food science major, said.

“It’s kinda tough, my syllabus week isn’t like most others. The worst part is that I can’t go home and take a nap like I want to, I have to go to the classes.” Tookie Brown, freshman sports management major, said.

“It’s my favorite because I get to chill. I’m enjoying this right now. But I slowly brace myself and get prepared for my three studio classes this semester.” Lexus Lewis, junior studio art and apparel design major, said.

“Obviously I like to get everything organized but I do like to have fun. Like I’m heading to happy hour right now.” Sam Muenchen, sophomore marketing and linguistics major, said.