So Long, Farewell

Since freshman year, I have read my fair share of sappy senior goodbyes and after all that reading, one would think that I’d have gained some insight as to how I was going to write my own when the time came.

Well, the time is here and I still have no idea where to even begin.

When I first joined this organization, I did so as a freshman with a love of writing and an exceptional talent for asking too many questions (two qualities that I saw as my calling to become a journalist). I still remember the nervousness I felt walking to the pre-remodeled office, complete with our huge boardroom-style table and mismatched desks and furniture the day after candidate testing to see if I had made it into this organization I’d wanted to join so badly.

I have worked for Student Media my entire four years of college (an eternity, really) and the thought of finally leaving has given me both relief and sadness. Relief because the closing of this chapter means that I’ve actually graduated college. Sadness because this means saying goodbye some of the people that I consider my closest friends.

I’ve watched our organization expand and flourish since the time I started as freshman while my colleagues and myself, who started off as candidates all those years ago, have now become editors and managers.

Through it all, we’ve had some good times and some sad times, but in the end, I’m thankful for every minute I’ve spent as a staff member.

I wasn’t kidding when I said I didn’t know how to write these things, so here’s a quote that I Googled specifically for the occasion that sums up how I feel: “Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.”

See you at graduation.