A new kind of RAC fee

William Cheney

Red Lot (upper half of RAC parking lot)

$120-$299 donation to be able to purchase $100 parking pass

Brown Lot (lower half of RAC parking lot)

$300-$599 donation to be able to purchase $100 parking pass

With all the changes to the campus and athletic department prior to Georgia Southern’s inaugural FBS football season, there may be some that can cause more questions than others.

The time of students and fans being able to tailgate at the RAC on game days seems to be in the past. Donors will now have the first, and really only, crack at the once precious tailgating spots. The new spots will require a minimum donation to be awarded the opportunity to purchase a parking ticket for the spot.

The RAC has been broken up into two sections: The Red Lot and Brown Lot, with the latter being more expensive. An Orange lot will also be available at the RAC for RV parking, which incurs a $500 parking fee on top of a donation.

With the new policies on tailgating come new concerns, which University President Dr. Brooks Keel says Georgia Southern is looking to answer.

”What about people going to the RAC? What are they going to be able to do? Where do they park? How do we police that? These are the questions we’re going through now and will hopefully have a resolution for soon,” Keel said.

The proceeds from the individual parking fees will be utilized to fund the Margin of Excellence Fund, according to the athletic department’s website. The fund provides additional monetary support for recruiting, equipment and nutritional supplements for all Ga. Southern student athletes.